$15 an hour times 40 hours
$600 per week
Uncle Sam gotta take his cut without representation.
Call it $500 per week or $2000 per month.
In February 2020, the average monthly rent for an apartment in the United States was 1,468 U.S. dollars. Rents are trending upwards nationally and have risen significantly since their September 2016 rate of 1,348 U.S. dollars. Since 2016, national rents have climbed throughout spring and early summer, and the increase tends to slow in the rest of the year.
We can call it $1000
A decent vehicle should cost around $15 per day or $450 per month all in.
$1000 + $450 = $1450 ($1918 if using ACTUAL 2020 average rent of $1468)
Lets call it $1500
So $500 divided by 30 days a month = $16 a day
On a budget 1 can eat 5 mcchickens or similar per day, pretty sure most are’nt walking around naked and already have clothes.
A cell phone these days is pretty much mandatory and can be had for $1 a day on the low end.
so enjoy your $11 per day profit off your sweat equity.
$2.71 TOTAL per day to spend on FOOD, Cell Phone, Gas, Health……is what a $15 minimum wage affords a human american citizen putting in 40 hours per week.
$2000 Minimum wage – $1918 ($1468 average rent + $450 transportation)
$2.71 x 30 = $82 per month profit from working 40 hours per week.
I have’nt worked for minimum wage since the mid-90s straight out of high school the various warehouse jobs I had started at $9 and within 90 days if you hit your numbers you were at $11 an hour.
Anyone thinking $15 minimum wage is too high never worked it and any employer paying labor less does’nt deserve to be in business.
While the national minimum wage did rise roughly in step with productivity growth from its inception in 1938 until 1968, in the more than five decades since then, it has not even kept pace with inflation. However, if the minimum wage did rise in step with productivity growth since 1968 it would be over $24 an hour today
Bezos could give all 1 million amazon employees $100,000 and have 100+ billion left over. Instead he gave em a $200 gift card while stealin 60+ million in tips.
The Walton family of walmart could buy every employee a $100,000 home and still have 1 Billion each.
BTW – “companies” that couldn’t pass their own background checks should’nt be able to require their employees to pass one. No choice but to work for criminal organizations. Just sayin….