Black Owned NBA
Professional Basketball Association
30 – 1 Billion 15K Capacity arenas / hotels / complexes on cheap land 20 minutes outside 30 cities.
450,000 seats + 3,000+ rooms, +restaraunts,bars,shops,parking,…. you OWN.
Every game, event is content you OWN.
1 modern design duplicated 30 times and scale advantages.
One would assume there are 30 Black americans that could pool together a billion each and could employ thousands, benefit communities, start and finish the project in less than 5 years and let their actions match their words. Nobody can be mad at at them taking private label / sponsorship deals, not really interested in the criminal companies logos they place all over their jerseys & courts, but I get it, it’s the same as the criminals in the commercials and advertising that you can’t escape.
They can keep allowing others to earn billions off their sweat equity too, but at that same time no one can take much of what they say seriously when they NOW have the capital & support to risk being true OWNERS.
A couple hundred acres in my budget that’s not real capital in 2021 although technically I am a bit coin millionaire ; )
If I had a billion to blow or pool I’d be doing more than talking, marching, & tweeting, that’s proven not to work, it will only get you assassinated.
Black Lives need capital. I’m just a simple man using simple napkin math.
OWN your league. Nothing personal just business.
After 400+ years do Black americans not have 30 Billion in capital to access?
My reparations calculations clocks in at 6 Trillion. 30B vs. 6T either could be achieved in a day or few years. Wait on the government, which at this point is 100% corrupt to pay what they owe, or pool 30B with the “group economics” I hear ya’ll talking about so much?
Things that make you go hmmmmmm? Buy The Block Not The Bentley

Off the top off my head you’re telling me these 30 humans could’nt come up with 30 Billion In Capital?
Surely theres another 1000 or so humans in this financial realm no?
Worse case scenario they have real estate in 30 cities for the next half a century they can lodge at while private jetting their usual spots.
Robert Smith
David Steward
Oprah Winfrey
Michael Jordan
Tyler Perry
Tiger Woods
Sean Combs Puffy
Sean Carter Jay Z
Robert Johnson
Dr Dre
Master P
Will Smith
Magic Johnson
Lebron James
Shaquille O Neal
Junior Bridgeman
David Robinson
Hakeem Olajuwon
Kevin Garnett
Grant Hill
Kevin Durant
James Harden
Dirk Nowitzki
Dwight Howard
Gary Payton
Tim Duncan
Russell Westbrook
Carmelo Anthony
Dwayne Wade
Kyrie Irving
Seth Curry
Paul George