My Opinions Only. I’ve never instructed anyone to buy or trade Bitcoin, I have told everyone they should accept it for their time, products, services… as it’s become easier & easier over the years, especially since 2019 when the lightning network started to expand. ( lets you exchange it for any gift card you desire lets you convert it to a virtual visa prepaid card.
You can also transfer it to any wallet you desire including your own self hosted umbrel or raspiblitz node(bancc)
You can also sell for cash.
Full Disclosure
I 1st became aware of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2010 from Steve Gibsons Security Now Podcast
I use to mine it on $300 notebooks from Walmart. No one at that time was interested in it & for years you really could’nt do much with it.
Not long after the Winkleboys got into the space in 2015 I sold most of them, and will always hold onto least a handful. By no means was this intelligence it was mostly luck. Over the years I’ve sold them on the way up to 69K back down to its current price around 17K.
Everyone on TV for some reason talks about there being a fixed finite amount of 21 million Bitcoins which is partially true, but the facts are they can be broken down into Satoshis.
In my opinion when it’s all said and least 1/3rd of all Bitcoins will be lost or unrecoverable and my guesstimate the “finite” supply will be around 14 million Bitcoins or one quadrillion four hundred trillion Satoshis or 200,000ish Satoshis per human. This is based on a 10 Billion Person Population.
The last Bitcoin won’t be mined for over 100 years, the worlds population just crossed 8 Billion, so as far as I’m concerned all the Bitcoins have already been mined. Mining your own has gotten too expensive for most people and has been since 2015. There are emerging technologies and techniques where mining your own can be used to heat/cool your home with about a 2 year ROI.
At it’s current price of $16,000 x 21M is about a 357 Billion Marketcap
Last I researched almost 80% of wallets are pretty much inactive meaning most are hoarding or HODLers.
Most got into the space at an average price of $20,000, these are mostly wealthy people or the top 20% of wage earners.
These people have been & will continue to manipulate it at will, as it can’t be regulated as much as the talking heads on TV say it can.
There is also nothing stopping a handfull of billionaires or even countries from buying up the supply. They could just as easily sabotage the space by turning their holdings into unrecoverable Bitcoins to introduce their own “stable” state sponsored shitcoins.
65% of the US is pay check to paycheck, 40% don’t have access to $400 so I’d assume least 60% could’nt come up with $1000 if they needed, so the vast majority of people really can’t participate.
Coinbase, Crypto Com, ETH…. all other shitcoins or coins with a CEO are next to fail.
The beauty of Bitcoin is it still works at $1000, $16,000, $69,000 the curse is at the lower levels the greedy and evil can swoop in.
If you have a million dollars it’s silly not to be in for least 1 as that’s couch cushion money, sit on it longterm and your kids, grand kids, great grandkids…. will be a future banker. is a way for Africans to send/receive/save BTC via USSD on dumb phones with NO internet needed. BTC is great for developing countries or countries where their currency is volatile.
It does’nt make much sense to do anything in the USA but to hold it. Employers most likely will never pay you with it. You can easily pay employees on a schedule running a Umbrel Node with Oaknode installed.
Until retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Costco, Gas Stations, Banks/Landlords accept it most likely won’t catch on in the USA.
Anyone telling you to buy it, is simply doing so out of self preservation.
If you want to get involved in the space I suggest (
Click Receive
Click Lightning Address
Screenshot & Post Your Lightning Address near cash register, in store window, on your website or social media & let your customers know you accept it for your time, products, & services….
Hold onto it, exchange it for gift cards, sell it for cash… do whatever you please with it.
I’ve been very blessed in the space so my opinions may have bias, you’ve only lost money in the space if you got in over $16,000 or were so greedy you did’nt take profits at 100,200,300,400,500-16,000+% returns.
My advice if you want to learn more try & run your own Umbrel node(bancc). It costs less than $400. If that’s too much work & effort, at the very least get your own which is free. It’s like an email but for your Bitcoin. Everyone on the planet will eventually have one. online since 99 #PAN